Our Rich History
Foothills Service League started in the home of Lois Anderson in 1959 with a cup of coffee and the desire to help, .
The partnership with Foothills Service League and Foothills Gateway began in 1959. At that time, a group of ladies got together to educate the local community on the needs and accomplishments of the Foothills Activity Center, now known as Foothills Gateway. The Center was created by a small group of parents that could not find a program to support their intellectually and developmentally disabled children. With NO FUNDS, NO SITE, NO STAFF, and NO EQUIPMENT, these parents remained dedicated to providing opportunities that allowed their children to achieve their full potential. An initial grant of $800 from the Cerebral Palsy Fund provided some operating capital to get started, but there was still a need for ongoing funding. Foothills Service League stepped in and has been providing continuous support ever since.
In the mid-90s, Foothills Service League recognized another opportunity to support the most vulnerable children in our community. This time, outreach extended to the SummitStone Health Partners “Child and Family Services”. The money raised is used to support grandfamilies raising their grandchildren, community-based high intensity treatment for youth and families, respite care and skill-building programs for youth who need extra support during extended school holidays, and on-site behavioral health treatment services at Foothills Gateway.
From its grassroots efforts in the 1950s through today, Foothills Service League continues to raise awareness and money for these two much needed organizations.
Foothills Service League Today
Foothills Service League holds a few popular annual events to raise funds for Foothills Gateway and SummitStone Child and Family Services.
The most popular event of the year is the Foothills Taste of Loveland. Embracing the Loveland lifestyle with an evening of sampling food, wine, beer, and spirits from local businesses, this evening is a fantastic opportunity to get out and and try tasting all Loveland has to offer.
We jump start the holidays with another fundraising event, the Foothills Tree For All. At this unique and magical event, you can enjoy a delicious meal while perusing Christmas themed trees and decor that will be raffled at the end of the day. Generous businesses, Foothills Service League members, and the public donate these coveted trees. The themed trees have included items such as Kitchen Aid mixers, gift certificates, sports tickets, origami cash, Christmas décor, services, handbags, jewelry, essential oils, elegant tableware, books, pampering essentials, games, and electronics.
Foothills Service League also raises money by selling holiday evergreens and amaryllis, cookbooks, and Bridge and Pinochle marathons which are 59 year old traditions.
Cookbooks are available for purchase at several vendors throughout Loveland.
Funds raised have made the following possible:
• Three swimming pools at Foothills Gateway
• Air conditioning of the Foothills Gateway facility
• Three therapeutic playgrounds
• A complete print shop for the Sheltered Workshop
• Multiple buses and vans
• An addition to a residence for Namaqua Center
• Rebuilt the kitchen for Namaqua Center
• Refurnished the bedrooms and family room areas at Namaqua Center
Foothills Service League underwrote multiple innovative programs at Foothills Gateway and SummitStone Child & Family Services. We support the Grand families program at SummitStone Child and Family Services and several programs at Foothills Gateway.